Wednesday 16 May 2012

The various smells of little children

I once asked my father in law what he noticed most when he came back from wintering in Antarctica (the wintering was in the early '70's, the question was posed last year).
He answered very quickly.
"The smells and the colours! The base had very few colours, the scenery was entirely white and grey, and all we could smell was our own unwashed clothes and occasionally penguin poo. When I came back it was like turning on those two senses again!"

Well I have (finally) noticed much the same thing about being at home with kids. It's like turning my senses on again. In fact, on weekend days when other grownups are around, I get very self-conscious about the smells on my person and the little people. Many of the smells are not socially acceptable, but only a few are actually unpleasant.

  •  Baby smells: clean skin; the full yoghurt spectrum of fresh, stale, and digested; freshly washed or slightly damp wool or cotton; and the smell of just having been crying.
  • Food smells: squished fruit (typically banana or pear); the last meal; long-lasting cooking smells like baked bread or fried sausage or fish curry; mummy-I've-been-restacking-your-onions-again smell; banana skin that's been stashed behind the curtain for a bit.
  • Inside smells: wooden blocks; playdough and textas and butchers paper; dusty toys that never get used; well worn teddies; the ladybug wheatbag who has his own smell; the various train sets have their own unique smells too. My contributions include vacuum cleaning; drying laundry; sheepy fleece and alpaca fleece.
  • Outside smells: Mud; sandpit; bonfire ash; the mulch pile; wet or dry grass; woodpile; pine mushrooms; cold white rocks; agapanthus jelly strings (who doesn't love agapanthus jelly strings!); rusty metal things (thank heavens for tetanus vaccinations!); worm farm juice (blech); and, being boys, they are just starting to develop male sweat smell. 
That's the olfactory world I now inhabit. When I go back to an office, I may feel like I'm staring at a grey and black landscape smelling my own unwashed clothes and penguin poo.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Things I want to make right now but can't

I'm way seriously pregnant and I can feel my body getting ready to launch this little one into the big wide world. I am also getting slower and more ponderous, more vague, and more prone for my mind and my body to meander off in a completely different direction to the one I had been planning 30 seconds ago. I am also over-estimating my stamina, getting tired, and having to pull out of previous arrangements. Lots.

Right now I am making enchilada mix/baked beans/chili con carne. I don't have any appetite though.

  • Chop 1 onion and brown it in olive oil on medium heat
  • Add 300g beef mince. Brown that too.
  • Salt it lightly
  • Add 2 cans of beans, drain the beans first btw: I am using 1 x red kidney beans and 1 x bean mix. Any beans are good. Well, maybe canned lentils might be a bit weird.
  • Add 1 can tomatoes, or a couple of medium fresh tomatoes, or a tablespoon of tomato paste mixed in 1/2 cup water, or some chopped sundried tomatoes, or any other tomato variation found in your fridge.
  • Cook it all around for 5-10 minutes while you empty out the bottom of the vegie keeper and salvage what you can.
  • Add up to 500g mixed veg, I call this bottom-of-the-fridge-special. I've just added sweet potato, eggplant (peeled), and mushrooms.
  • Depending on how old the veg is, it might not need to cook for very long. Maybe another 5-10mins?
  • If it looks a bit too dry, add liquid. Beer makes it taste nice. Stock is also good, doesn't matter what, but if you're using stock powder or cubes, go easy cos they're salty. I'm going to use water cos I'm lazy.
Here's the key bit to make it tasty: seasoning
  • A liberal sprinkle of sweet paprika. Up to 1/2 teaspoon of sweet paprika in fact.
  • FRESHLY GROUND black pepper. Not the dust from a little jar labelled that your mum brought over in 1992, when it was only 10 years old. Get peppercorns and bash them in a pestle and mortar, it is so very much better.
  • Salt to taste (if it's boring and not salty, add a little more salt)
  • Do you like chilli? Some chilli. Fresh, chopped. Dried, whole or flaked or powdered. Tabasco sauce (or equivalent). Paste. Whatever you have. Technically it should be a dried Ancho chilli, but technically it shouldn't have canned beans in it either.
  • Dash of worcestershire sauce
  • Something green & fragrant & chopped. Fresh coriander is great. Fresh dill is fine but a little unusual. Thyme is nice. Basil is nice. I'm using parsley and it's nice. Add this at the very end and stir through right before you pick up the pan using oven mitts and bring it to the table. It will improve the smell as well for serving.
So that's what I am currently making.

What I want to be making is this:
  • Want to spin my grey corriedale(?) tweed into laceweight. Takes ages. Can't sit on the stool for ages.
  • Want to weave my 3rd panel for my bedspread, it's green. The first two were turquoise and magenta. Loom is heavy on my belly.
  • Want to sew 2 x box bags. Have already cut out the fabric. Trying to stay not-distracted enough to get the iron out and interface it.
  • Want to go to all the op shops and find a 1960's footstool and re-upholster it for my brother & his fiancee. Haven't got enthusiasm to op-shop.
  • Want to finish my orange Wollmeise lace shawl. This one is actually progressing.
  • Want to make a chicken coop. Haha. Carpentry.
  • Want to dye something using osage orange chips. Haven't got any natural wool and my stove has beans cooking on it.
  • Want to make some cushion covers. Getting a little obsessed with cushions, actually. Although, I do make rather nice cushions even if I say so m'self. Can sew cushions without getting the iron out very much. Maybe later.
  • Want to demolish a bit of old fence and pave up to it, so I can set up the slide down the hill for my boys. Like that's going to happen with a belly this size.

Want to have the baby, whom I have been very busy making for many months,  come out. Soon. Please. And give me my brain functionality back PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.