Saturday 13 August 2011

Sparrow-fart O'Clock in the morning

It's late. Or early, depending on your definition and lifestyle. I am still up.
Not sure why.

The big boy is having a sleepover at his grandparents.
The little boy will most likely be up at 7AM tomorrow, squirming and wanting to play and maybe trying to stick small objects in my mouth and nose.
I have had a cup of tea. I still didn't want to go to sleep.
I cleaned up a bit. I still didn't want to go to sleep.
I stretched a bit. My shoulders and back feel much better now, but I still don't want to go to sleep.
I knitted an I-Cord edge on a hoodie. Maybe I am channeling Very Hungry Caterpillar.
I am going to put myself back to bed soon - somewhere warm and dark where I can sleep for Almost Two Weeks.

One of these decades I might get to sleep in again.