So I got a bit ... well... enthusiastic at Halloween this year.
Not posting pictures of the 12 kids under 6 years old that came to my house, in case one of them wants to be police commissioner in some future where halloween is a moral outrage. Or photos of my giant sparkly fake eyelashes, which were fun! but if electronically public they might stymie my own ambitions to be a police commissioner in the future (or something). Or the bit where the lizard kid tried to wrap the skeleton kid in toilet paper to make him a mummy. That was fun. Although I should have supplied cheaper toilet paper. The supersoft paper just kept breaking.
There were monster drawing games, much screaming and running and hide and seek and BOO!, but all my other game plans dwindled when the little boys (and my daughter) started chasing the chooks around the block screaming, and the other little girls sat in their princess outfits and asked politely for some textas and started drawing butterflies and writing long words like "because".
I shall post pictures of my WATERMELON BRAIN

I challenge any neurosurgeons reading this to make a better one. And post a comment.
Not my idea. I googled Halloween Food and found this. In the spectrum of brains posted in the comments, mine comes out pretty nice looking.
Am I being too competitive? Is competitive brain carving in the Mummy Olympics?
Here is all the food.
Brain top right.
Dragon dropping cream puffs with chocolate top left.
Banana chips supposed to look like sliced vertebrae
Eyeball eggs - which were very tasty but nobody was game to eat them at first
Ghost bananas - how cute!
Mandarin pumpkins,
Slices of apple cut into mouths with teeth made of almond flakes
Fish fingers with almond flake fingernails
And there were also baby frankfurts wrapped like tiny mummies, instructions here,
which disappeared between putting them out and getting my camera. (I think the lizard boy ate them.)
Although if you are making them don't cut the puff pastry into strips. Cut it into one continuous spiral, Wrap each frankfurt, making sure there's a spot for the eyes later, and break it off. Much less fiddly than all those little strips.
What fun.
I shall have to do it again next year.
Here is all the food.
Brain top right.
Dragon dropping cream puffs with chocolate top left.
Banana chips supposed to look like sliced vertebrae
Eyeball eggs - which were very tasty but nobody was game to eat them at first
Ghost bananas - how cute!
Mandarin pumpkins,
Slices of apple cut into mouths with teeth made of almond flakes
Fish fingers with almond flake fingernails
And there were also baby frankfurts wrapped like tiny mummies, instructions here,
which disappeared between putting them out and getting my camera. (I think the lizard boy ate them.)
Although if you are making them don't cut the puff pastry into strips. Cut it into one continuous spiral, Wrap each frankfurt, making sure there's a spot for the eyes later, and break it off. Much less fiddly than all those little strips.
What fun.
I shall have to do it again next year.
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